The information below is an official offer (offer) to any legal or natural person to conclude an agreement for subscription services with To enter into a contract, it is enough to get acquainted with this information and the text of the contract below. This contract is public, its conditions are the same for all consumers.

If you agree with its terms - you can make payment for services. In this case, the contract will be deemed to be concluded, and will assume the obligation to provide the services specified in the contract. Payment can be made through any available payment option.

In case of accepting the conditions set forth in this Offer and payment for services, the natural or legal person making the acceptance of this Offer becomes the CUSTOMER (the acceptance of the Offer is equivalent to the conclusion of the Contract under the conditions set forth in the Offer).

In the future, if you have a need, you can at any time convenient for you get a documented contract signed and stamped by the Contractor.

Public Subscription Agreement, hereinafter referred to as the Contractor, on the one hand, and the Customer, on the other hand, have entered into this agreement as follows:


1.1. Under the terms of this Agreement, the Contractor undertakes to provide the Services in the manner and on the conditions provided for in this Agreement, and the Customer undertakes to accept and pay for the services rendered.

1.2. This agreement is in the nature of a public offer and is equivalent to an “oral agreement”, and has appropriate legal force.


2.1. Services means the provision of the Customer:

2.1.1. A unique name (hereinafter login) and a password that allows you to manage services on the Contractor’s website, this information is sent to the Customer’s contact email address (e-mail address) after completing the registration and payment procedure. The contact email address is the address specified by the Customer during the registration procedure;

2.1.2. Possibilities to place information on the Contractor’s servers within the quota stipulated by the tariff plan.

2.1.3. Регистрация of domain names and their support on primary and secondary DNS name servers, if such a service is ordered on the official website of the Contractor;

2.1.4. Possibilities of organizing email names with the amount of information stored at each time point within the quota provided by the tariff plan.

2.1.5. Addressing capabilities of the hosted resource.

2.1.6. Necessary to use the consultation Services.

2.2. The customer consents to the storage and processing of personal data in order to ensure the implementation of relationships in the field of information.



3.1.1. To provide the Customer with the Service in accordance with the amount of the subscription fee paid in accordance with the procedure provided for in Section 4 of this Agreement.

3.1.2. Register the Customer's account, and give him the name (login) and access password via e-mail.

3.1.3. Maintain the confidentiality of Customer information received from him during registration, as well as the content of private e-mail messages.

3.1.4. Publish official messages related to customer service and changes in rates for payment on the Contractor’s website, as well as send them to Customers by e-mail.


3.2.1. Adequately possess the skills and knowledge necessary for the independent use of the Service.

3.2.2. Provide accurate information during registration and conclusion of the Agreement.

3.2.3. Timely provide the Contractor with information about changes in information, such as contact email address, telephone number, and mailing address.

3.2.4. When contacting the Contractor’s technical support service, use the contact email address (the address provided when ordering the service) and notify your username, first and last name, and if necessary, use other ways to confirm your access rights.

3.2.5. Keep your username and password confidential.

3.2.6. Pay for Services in accordance with the selected tariff plan and in compliance with the terms of section 4 of this Agreement. The Customer undertakes to familiarize himself / herself with information about the conditions of service and tariffs on the Contractor’s website.

3.2.7. In case of disagreement with the changes in the text of this contract, the Customer is obliged to notify the Contractor thereof within ten days from the date of receipt of the notification of changes.

3.2.8. Maintain bank financial documents (payment orders, receipts, checks) confirming the payment made for the Services.


3.3.1. Temporarily suspend the provision of Services to the Customer in the case of:

- non-receipt of payment for the Services in the terms established by the contract until such payment is received;

- non-compliance by the Customer of the requirements of the Contractor’s technical specialists until the non-compliance of such requirements is terminated;

- Violations of the norms for using the Network set forth in Appendix 1 to the Agreement, as well as other violations of the terms of the agreement - until such violations cease.

3.3.2. The Contractor has the right to resume the provision of the Services to the Customer in cases provided for in clause 3.3.1. of this Agreement until elimination of violations by the Customer upon receipt from him of a written reasoned explanation of the reasons for the violations committed.

3.3.3. The Contractor has the right to terminate the contractual relationship with the Customer unilaterally, with simultaneous sending a written electronic notice, if the Customer systematically violates the terms of this Agreement or Appendix 1. The date of sending the relevant message to the Customer is considered the moment of termination of the contract and service termination.

3.3.4. In case of increased (above-standard) requirements of the Customer to the hardware and other resources provided within the framework of the ordered service - the Contractor reserves the right to offer the Customer a switch to another tariff plan, and if the Customer refuses, limit the resources to the minimum stipulated by the tariff plan or terminate the service. The moment of termination of the service is considered the date of the corresponding message to the Customer.

3.3.5. Within 1 (one) day after the suspension of the provision of services, the Customer’s information is stored on the Contractor’s server. Upon expiration of this period, all information is deleted, the Contractor ceases to provide services under the terms of this agreement, and the Agreement is deemed terminated.

3.3.6. When the Customer contacts the Contractor regarding technical support, the Contractor undertakes to carry out the operations requested by the Customer only if the request is received from the contact address, as well as the Customer’s login information, as well as the first and last name (or legal entity name).

3.3.7. In the case of reporting incomplete or inaccurate information listed in section 3.3.6. of this agreement, the Contractor has the right to reject the request to perform the requested operations.

3.3.8. The Contractor has the right to change the terms of this Agreement unilaterally, notifying the Customer by e-mail. These changes to the contract take effect ten days after they are published on the Contractor’s website if the Customer has not sent his reasoned objections to changing the terms of the agreement.

3.3.9. In case of not reaching agreement with the Customer regarding changes to the terms of the Agreement, the Contractor has the right to unilaterally withdraw from the Agreement.

3.3.10. The Contractor has the right to terminate the provision of services in the event of non-compliance with the conditions of Appendix 1 to this contract, and in the case of unlawful actions.


3.4.1. Require the Contractor to provide the Services in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.

3.4.2. To bring to the notice of the Contractor the requirements and wishes regarding the quality of the services provided.

3.4.3. Get timely advice needed to use the Services.

3.4.4. Terminate this agreement unilaterally at any time.


4.1. The Customer makes the acceptance of the Offer and the conclusion of the Agreement by the advance payment of the Contractor’s Services, in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. Advance payment for the services of the Contractor means the consent of the Customer with all the terms of this agreement.

4.2. The cost of work under this contract at the time of its conclusion is determined in accordance with the current conditions published on the website of the Contractor.

4.3. Payments are made according to the tariffs published on the website of the Contractor.

4.4. The Contractor is entitled to unilaterally review the prices for the Services and introduce new tariff plans. The Contractor shall notify the Customer about the introduction of new prices, through publication on his website, as well as by e-mail. If an advance payment is made for the provision of services in accordance with this Agreement, new prices for the Services shall come into effect for the Customer after the expiration of the period for which the advance payment has been made.

4.5. Services are provided subject to payment in accordance with the selected tariff plan, upon receipt of payment to the account of the Contractor.

4.6. Payment for the Services is made by non-cash payments to the Contractor’s bank account, which is specified in section 10 of this Agreement.

4.6.1. When paying through a bank, the Customer is obliged to indicate in the payment document the purpose of the payment. The Contractor has the right not to provide the services if the payment document does not indicate the purpose of the payment.

4.6.2. The customer receives the invoice for services on the website and pays within 10 days, specifying when paying for the service for which the payment is made.

4.6.3. The Contractor will provide the Customer with an invoice for the renewal of services by e-mail specified during registration. The invoice must be paid no later than 3 days from the date of expiration of the service.

4.6.4 The customer is obliged to inform the Contractor by e-mail of the date, amount of the payment, as well as for what service the payment has been made.

4.6.5. In case of late payment or late notification of the Contractor of the payment made, the Contractor has the right to terminate the provision of services.

4.7. The customer is solely responsible for the correctness of the payments made by him. When changing the Contractor’s bank details, from the moment the new requisites are published on the Contractor’s website and notified by e-mail, the Customer bears all the negative consequences for payments made on obsolete requisites.

4.8. The day of payment is the day when the funds are credited to the account of the Contractor.

4.9. In case of suspension of the provision of services due to non-payment, their renewal occurs during the working day following the day of payment.


5.1. The contractor does not guarantee absolute uninterrupted operation and does not guarantee that the proposed software or any other materials do not contain system errors. The contractor undertakes all reasonable efforts and measures to prevent service interruptions or compromise its quality.

5.2. The Contractor shall not be liable for direct or indirect damage caused to the Customer as a result of using or inability to use the Services or incurred as a result of errors, omissions, interruptions in work, deletion of files, defects, delays in work or data transfer, or changes in functions and other reasons. The Contractor does not guarantee acceptance of the Customer’s mail from remote networks, the functioning of which has led to the inclusion of the address of such a network in the lists on which the Contractor’s mail delivery program does not receive mail.

5.3. The Contractor is not responsible for the quality of communication channels through which access to the Services is provided.

5.4. The Customer assumes full responsibility and risks associated with the use of the Internet through the Services, including responsibility for assessing the accuracy, completeness and usefulness of any opinions, ideas, other information, as well as the quality and properties of goods and services distributed on the Internet and provided To the customer through the Services.

5.5. The customer is fully responsible for the safety of his password and for damages that may occur due to unauthorized use. Upon the fact of theft of the login and password of what happened due to the fault of third parties, the Customer should send to the Contractor an application for changing the password, with a mandatory attachment to the application of the relevant financial document confirming the payment for the Services. The Contractor shall not be liable for the actions of third parties that resulted in the theft, and for damages resulting from theft, the Customer must contact the appropriate law enforcement authorities.

5.6 The customer undertakes to remove materials that violate intellectual property, copyright and related rights within 24 hours after notification, otherwise, the provision of services may be suspended.

5.7. The Contractor shall not be liable for notifying any third parties about depriving the Customer of access to the service and for possible consequences resulting from the absence of such a warning.

5.8. The Contractor is not the defendant or co-respondent for any obligations and expenses related to the violation of the provisions of the Agreement by the Customer or other persons using the Customer’s username and password, or who have obtained access to editing the Customer’s information by hacking; or related to the use of the Internet through the Services; or related to the placement or transfer of any message, information, software or other materials on the Internet by the Customer or other persons using his login and password.

5.9. The Contractor shall not be liable for the late receipt by the Customer of the Contractor's notifications sent by e-mail. The letter is considered to be received by the Customer on the day it is sent by the Contractor.

5.10. It is possible to block TCP ports 25, 465, 587, 2525 before carrying out identification of the Customer.


6.1. Claims of the Customer for the Services provided are accepted by the Contractor for consideration only in a written (electronic) form. The term for consideration of the Customer’s claims shall not exceed 14 (fourteen) business days.

6.2. Consideration of claims to the Contractor related to the provision of the Services is carried out upon presentation by the Customer of the relevant financial documents confirming payment for the Services.

6.3. In order to resolve technical issues in determining the guilt of the Customer as a result of his illegal actions while using the Internet, the Contractor has the right to independently engage competent organizations as experts.

6.4. The parties will regulate through negotiation any disputes, disagreements or claims that may arise in relation to this contract or in connection with it.

6.5. If the parties do not reach agreement on controversial issues through negotiation, these issues are subject to judicial review.


7.1. The contract is considered to be concluded and enters into force from the moment of payment for the Services in the amount and manner established by this contract.

7.2. The contract is concluded for an indefinite period and is valid for a specified period, subject to timely and full payment by the Customer of the services of the Contractor.

7.3. The Contractor has the right to change the terms of this Agreement unilaterally, notifying the Customer by e-mail. These changes to the contract take effect ten days after they are published on the Contractor’s website if the Customer has not sent his reasoned objections to changing the terms of the contract. In this case, the amendments to the Treaty shall enter into force after the parties have settled the disputed points.

7.4. If it is impossible to settle disputes related to changes in the terms of this Agreement, the Contractor has the right to cancel the Agreement and terminate the provision of Services.

7.5. The customer has the right to unilaterally refuse from the Contractor’s Services at any time.

7.6. In the event of early termination of this Agreement at the initiative of the Customer, the balance on the Customer’s personal account is not refundable. The Contractor is entitled to offer the Customer for the remaining unused amount of other services.

7.7. In case of violation of the rules for using the Network set forth in Appendix 1 to the Agreement, as well as other violations of the terms of the agreement, the balance of funds in the Customer’s personal account is non-refundable.


8.1. The Customer consents to the processing by the Contractor of the Customer’s personal data.

8.2. The contractor processes personal data by performing actions (operations) with personal data, which include: collecting, organizing, storing, storing, specifying (updating, changing), using, distributing, depersonalizing, blocking, destruction of personal data. The purpose of the use of personal data and the following processing thereof is to obtain the services provided by the Contractor by the Customer.

8.3. The Contractor undertakes to process the Customer’s personal data.

8.4. The Customer agrees that the Contractor has the right to depersonalize his personal data in order to transfer to other subjects of the domain name registration market. The Customer also agrees that the Contractor has the right to transfer his data to other subjects of the domain name registration market in an impersonal form.

8.5. The customer with this consent instructs the Contractor, as a Registrar, to publish his personal data in the databases of the relevant services in the public Internet access necessary for the operation of services, services, domains.

8.6. Withdrawal of consent to the processing of personal data can be carried out by sending the relevant order by the Customer in simple written form to the Contractor’s address. At the same time, the Customer agrees that such a review may entail the following consequences:

- refusal by the Contractor to provide services, as a result of the impossibility of their implementation without the specified data;

- deletion of the domain name, in case it is impossible to maintain it without the Contractor having such data.

8.7. The Customer agrees that his personal data may be transferred to another Registrar or Administrator of the public domain, if the operation performed requires identification of the Customer, as the owner of the domain name.

9. Terms of Service

9.1. It is forbidden to place pornography sites, links to it, erotica, links to it, advertisements that have erotic or pornographic content.

9.2. Placing IRC services is prohibited.

9.3. It is forbidden to host software for mass mailings, message submitters, botnets, grabbing, phishing, and other purposes that are clearly contrary to the legal work on the Internet.

9.4. Placing torrent clients and trackers (as well as other p2p file sharing services), download clients, DC ++ clients and servers, file storages, file sharing services, stream projects, video and photo storages, other resources with high traffic consumption is prohibited.

9.5. It is forbidden to host open proxy, open VPN, open DNS resolver, other public services (including paid or private access), which can serve as auxiliary means for illegal actions on the Internet.

9.6. It is forbidden to host network scanners, proxy checkers and similar software.

9.7. Placing tor is prohibited.

9.8. Links to software and content that is unlicensed, even if it is not stored on the Client’s account, are prohibited.

9.9. Cardsharing is prohibited.

9.10. It is forbidden to host gambling services (any gambling), including affiliate programs associated with them.

9.11. It is forbidden to host projects related to the HYIP-sphere, including affiliate programs, monitoring, etc.

9.12. It is prohibited to place projects related to financial pyramids (or having any of their features) and related to financial activities that do not have the appropriate licenses and permits.

9.13. It is forbidden to host pharmaceutical sites that do not have the appropriate licenses for the sale of pharmaceutical products.


10.1. On all matters unresolved by this contract, the Parties are guided by applicable law.

10.2. The annexes to this contract are - Appendix 1 - Standards for using the Internet.

Appendix 1 to the Treaty

Terms of Service

The Internet is a global combination of computer networks and information resources owned by many different people and organizations. This association is decentralized, and a single compulsory set of rules (laws) for using the Internet has not been established. There are, however, generally accepted standards of work on the Internet, aimed at ensuring that the activity of each user of the network does not interfere with the work of other users. The fundamental position of these norms is as follows: the rules for the use of any Internet resources (from the mailbox to the communication channel) are determined by the owners of these resources and only they.

This document describes the generally accepted standards of work on the Internet, the observance of which is mandatory for all users. The effect of these norms applies to the order of use of the resources of the Network. Hereinafter, the word Network denotes the Internet and other networks accessible from it.

1. Restrictions on information noise (spam).

Web development has led to the fact that one of the main problems of users has become an excess of information. Therefore, the network community has developed special rules aimed at protecting the user from unnecessary / not requested information (spam). In particular, are not valid:

1.1. Mass mailing of unmatched pre-emails. By mass mailing is meant both mailing to multiple recipients, and multiple mailing to one recipient. Hereinafter, e-mails are understood to mean e-mail messages, newsgroups, internet pagers, forums and other similar means of personal information exchange.

1.2. Inconsistent sending of emails with a volume of more than one page or containing attached files.

1.3. Inconsistent distribution of e-mails of an advertising, commercial or agitational nature, as well as letters containing rude and offensive expressions and sentences.

1.4. Posting to any Usenet or other conference, forum or e-mail list of articles that do not correspond to the subject of this conference or mailing list. Hereinafter, the conference refers to Usenet newsgroups (newsgroups) and other conferences, forums and electronic mailing lists.

1.5. Placement of messages of an advertising, commercial or agitational nature in any conference, unless such messages are expressly permitted by the rules of such a conference or their placement has been agreed with the owners or administrators of such a conference previously.

1.6. Placement in any conference of an article containing attached files, unless the attachments are explicitly permitted by the rules of such a conference or such placement has been agreed with the owners or administrators of such a conference in advance.

1.7. Sending information to recipients who had previously expressed a clear reluctance to receive this information.

1.8. Using your own or provided information resources (mailboxes, email addresses, WWW pages, etc.) as contact coordinates when performing any of the above actions, regardless of where in the Network these actions were taken.

2. Prevent unauthorized access and network attacks.

2.1. It is not allowed to attempt unauthorized access to the Network's resources, to conduct or participate in network attacks and network hacking, unless the attack on a network resource is carried out with the explicit permission of the owner or administrator of this resource. Including prohibited:

2.1.1. Actions aimed at disrupting the normal functioning of elements of the Network (computers, other equipment or software) that are not owned by the user.

2.1.2. Actions aimed at obtaining unauthorized access, including privileged, to the Network resource (computer, other equipment or information resource), subsequent use of such access, as well as destruction or modification of software or data not owned by the user, without the consent of the owners software or data or administrators of this information resource.

2.1.3. Transmitting to computers or equipment of the Network meaningless or useless information that creates a parasitic load on these computers or equipment, as well as intermediate sections of the network, in volumes exceeding the minimum necessary to check the connectivity of networks and the availability of individual elements

3. Compliance with the rules established by the owners of the resources.

3.1. In addition to the above, the owner of any information or technical resource of the Network can set its own rules for this resource.

3.2. The rules for the use of resources or a link to them are published by the owners or administrators of these resources at the point of connection to such resources and are binding for all users of these resources.

3.3. The user is obliged to comply with the rules of use of the resource or immediately refuse to use it.

4. Inadmissibility of falsification.

4.1. Much of the resources of the Network do not require user identification and allow anonymous use. However, in some cases, the user is required to provide information that identifies him and the means of access to the Network that he uses. In this case, the user is not allowed:

4.1.1. The use of identification data (names, addresses, telephone numbers, etc.) of third parties, unless these persons have authorized the user for such use. At the same time, the user must take measures to prevent the use of the Network’s resources by third parties on his behalf (to ensure the safety of passwords and other authorized access codes).

4.1.2. The falsification of its IP address, as well as addresses used in other network protocols, when transmitting data to the Network.

4.1.3. Using non-existing return addresses when sending emails.

Опции Цена/мес Описание
Дополнительный IP-адрес 200 руб Максимально 3 IP
Базовая поддержка Бесплатно Включает базовую настройку, а также последующие изменения.
DNS Бесплатно